Thursday, April 29, 2010

work in progress


Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Literature gone wrong

I been reading the most recent novel by Ian McEwan, Solar - and have spent all most the entire time I have been reading the book wondering why on earth I'm reading it. I wonder, is this post modernity, a species of irony, or nihilism? Pointlessness reified. I've hated every moment, and yet I find I have read it to it's coy/ daft/ bitter end.

Friday, April 02, 2010

in print

I chanced on this at the site for  publishing, who asked me for an image for the cover of one of their books.

First Loves by Sigi Jöttkandt

It's an image from 2002 for a wall drawing I made in Sydney and Melbourne in 2001, and later in Canberra, most recently in as an updated version in Perth. I always thought that when my work appeared on the cover of a book, it meant that I would have achieved a degree of authenticity as an artist.

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